Date Dip


This honey date dip/spread is easy and sweet. Its a great fruit spread with a deep unique date flavor. It tastes great with strawberries, ham, pear, cheese and more….

1 16oz package dates.
zest of 1 orange
tiny pinch of salt
1t honey
1t vanilla
1 scoop Protein Essentials Hydrolyzed Collagen

Add dates to a bowl/jar with a lid, add water to cover. Refrigerate overnight or for 8 hours.
Add dates and soaking water to food processor. Add the rest of the ingredients and pulse. Keep pulsing. Pulse some more. You want it pretty smooth – which takes a while, but its worth it! Enjoy.

Tasty Topping

1/3 c brown sugar
2/3 c chopped pecans, divided
1 T  Linwoods ground flaxseed, sunflower & pumpkin seeds
1 T Protein Essentials Hydrolyzed Collagen
tiny pinch of salt

In a mini food processor combine brown sugar, 1/3 c pecans, flaxseed combo, collagen and a pinch of salt. Pulse. Pour into resealable container. Add remaining 1/3 cup chopped pecans. Add to smoothies, overnight oats, overnight chia seeds, sweet potatoes, pumpkin pie…..the topping ideas are endless. This high protein topping is delicious and versatile.

Each tablespoon of ground flaxseed contains about 1.8 grams of plant omega-3s.Flaxseed contains both the soluble and insoluble fiber types.

Nuts are very rich sources of several important B-complex groups of vitamins such as riboflavin, niacin, thiamin, pantothenic acid, vitamin B-6, and folates. Pecans are antioxidant rich.


Gluten Free Pumpkin Bread


1 3/4 c pumpkin
1/3 c cocoanut oil
1/3 c brown sugar
2 T sugar
3 eggs
1 T vanilla 
2 c gluten free flour (we use Trader Joe’s brand)
1 t salt
2 t pumpkin pie spice
2 t cinnamon
1 tsp baking soda
1 scoop Protein Essentials Hydrolyzed Collagen
1/2 c chocolate chips (optional)

Preheat oven to 350. Grease loaf pan or 3 – 4 mini loaf pans. Add pumpkin, oil, brown sugar, sugar, eggs and vanilla to food processor. Mix until smooth. In medium bowl add flour, salt, pumpkin pie spice, cinnamon, baking soda, collagen. Mix. Add dry ingredients to pumpkin mixture. Blend just until mixed. Stir in chocolate chips if using.  Pour or ladle pumpkin bread batter into loaf pan or mini loaf pans. Bake for 30-40 minutes or until toothpick comes out clean.

Notes: As you can see from the pictures, we used a blender and then poured the batter into the bowl of a stand mixer. It would have been easier to use a food processor for the entire recipe – but either way is doable. Also, we got 4 mini loaves out of the recipe, and used the chocolate chips only in two mini loaves.

For more information and recipes, check out our  Protein Essentials Facebook Page  or our website



Matcha tea is a green that has its roots in Japan. It is a much brighter green than traditional green tea; it is also not clear, as the leaves are ground into a powdery green tea dust.  Matcha is whisked, not stirred, with not quite boiling water. The aroma is hard to miss; it is a grassy and fresh. This woodsy scent translates into an earthy, hardy flavor. Matcha benefits include an energy boost, tons of antioxidants and metabolism support through increased saiety.

Matcha marries will with many traditional flavors. Some favorites include almond milk, Protein Essentials Hydrolyzed Collagen , sugar, honey or maple syrup. This versitale tea also tastes great in smoothies and baked goods.


Pumpkin Pie Smoothie

Pumpkin, pumpkin, pumpkin…..this recipe makes about 1 cup with 196 calories, lots of antioxidants and a boost of protein. Plus, it tastes great!

1/3 c Pumpkin Pie Puree
1/2 c Almond Milk
1/2 small frozen banana
1/2 t chia seeds
1/2 t cacao nibs
2 ice cubes
1 scoop Protein Essentials Hydrolyzed Collagen

Put everything in a blender and mix until desired consistency is achieved.
Top with chopped nuts, a dash of cinnamon or nutmeg if desired.



Blueberry Overnight Oats

Overnight oats are a healthy breakfast with endless options. Here is a new favorite featuring frozen blueberries, chia seeds and cacao nibs. Superfood breakfast!

1 c almond milk
1/2 c oats
1 t chia seeds
1/2 t Cacao Nibs
1/3 c blueberries
1 scoop Protein Essentials Hydrolyzed Collagen
tiny pinch of salt

Dump everything into a bowl with a lid, a mason jar is perfect. Stir. Put it in the refrigerator overnight.
In the morning stir and add your toppings. Granola, sliced almonds, brown sugar & pecans, sliced bananas, chopped apples………

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